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Sunday 12 July 2015

Is Soccer Right for Us?

Maybe I’m not cut out to be a Soccer dad?!   As the Dad of a boy that has just turned 7, I wonder about which sports he should play.  We hear the stories about the “Hockey Parents” that turn the game into an unsavoury event….but Soccer should be safe right? It’s the gentleman’s game.  This is our 3rd summer of soccer for DS7. The first year was quite comical…trying to get a half dozen 4 year olds' to do anything, let alone as a team,  is quite a challenge. But it was amusing and fun. In the second year a good coach managed to engage the kids and we could see the beginnings of some actual ‘soccer like’ play going on. The kids had fun so I was okay with it, and of course there were a few parents that clearly thought their kids (at 5 years of age) have a Fifa future.  Those that know me can see me doing some eye rolling….

Now we are in year 3, the news initially was good. We landed the same excellent coach. And this year is real soccer, with rules, referees, full field etc.  The mission statement is:   "The _____Soccer Club builds self esteem in the children of our community by developing athletic skills and sportsmanship through fun and friendly competition."   It all sounds good.  But now a month into the season I’m seeing those alleged traits we sneer at among the hockey parents and coaches, appearing on the soccer pitch. 

We have 6 and 7 year olds “playing” a game and a coach is dropping f- bombs at his players, playing his 2 top players for the entire game, while others sit on the sidelines,  encouraging his team to charge the opponents after a kick from the goalie, and to run up the score as high as possible.  
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those parents that believe kids should be in a bubble and not allowed to fail. I understand and believe that losing is part of life, and provide valuable lessons, but that is not what’s happening here.  I get it, that Soccer at the Rep or Professional level is as competitive as any sport, and you have to be tough to play, but we’re not there yet. These are 6 and 7 year olds, some playing for their first season.  So is it necessary to totally humiliate the opposing team after it becomes clear that they are not evenly matched?  How many goals should be scored before it’s enough? 8, 10, 12, 20?  Should it go to the point where the kids give up on the game and just don’t want to play anymore?    Now I’m hearing that during the preseason various coaches engaged in some “horse trading” among themselves in an attempt to stack their teams. Seriously?  

It all reminds me of my youth in elementary school, when an ill-tempered gym teacher had zero patience for those of us that weren’t star athletes.  That experience negatively impacted my self- confidence and turned me off sports.  Fortunately some of that damage was undone when I reached High School, where there was a very different attitude among the gym teachers and sport became fun.

So now I find myself wondering if this is just the way it has to be in team sports in this culture?  Fortunately I am not alone and have found other parents with the same concerns. So now what? We have an ally in our coach who loves the sport and the kids. He sees what this does to youngsters.  
I have contacted the club and expressed my concerns. Other parents are doing the same.  I wish I was more confident that things will change. I want my 7 year old to learn the gentlemen's game and have fun, but as of today, swimming is look good.