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Thursday 19 October 2017

Resistance is Essential...

Perhaps since the beginning of time, parents have wanted the world to be a better place for their kids. I know it’s not a new phenomenon for parents to be concerned about the state of the world. However, I have to say my anxiety has certainly ramped up in the past few years. Maybe I spend too much time on social media, and the real world has not really changed that much…but it sure feels different now than it did a short while ago.

I hate to mention his name, because I am so tired of hearing about the latest craziness, day in and day out, since the last American general election.  Unfortunately burying my head in the sand isn’t an option when I have to live in a connected world, AND raise two young kids in this atmosphere. So what’s changed?

I am fully aware that the world was a far from perfect place long before DT became the so called leader of the free world. But we seem to have entered a new era where a backlash against progress is gaining momentum, and people seem to now feel free to openly show their racism, sexism and intolerance.  Hate is no longer something to keep hidden, but should be celebrated and shouted from the streets, and of course on Twitter, and the on line comments section of every Main Stream Media site.   Not everyone is open about their hatred, the Internet has created many “keyboard warriors” that can spout hate from the anonymous safety of their basements and living rooms.  But there sure is a plethora of it out there these days…in our face every day.

I guess I was naive to think that things were getting better, and that my daughter would have it easier than my mother or her mother in our society.  We go back to 1921 in Canada, 1920 in the U.S.  when some women were given the right to vote, and the first female M.P. was elected… you would think that in almost 100 years this would be accepted as a norm. Not if you’re Richard Spencer, a white supremacist, who not only is a racist, but not surprisingly doesn’t believe women should have the right to vote either. He believes America is for White Men period. This guy was left to the fringe before Trump, but now is being “normalized” by the mainstream media as the current U.S. administration legitimises the fringe haters.    

I grew up in a time where our leaders, not without their flaws, took the higher road and challenged us to be better, challenged the ignorance, brought education to counter fear of the new and the different.  It was a time where borders and walls were things we worked to tear down, not to build new ones.  A Republican President even offered a challenge to his cold war counter- part to “tear down this wall”. And it did come down.  Now we have Brexit in Britain, and POTUS promising to build a wall along the Mexican border, and tearing up international trade agreements.  We now have leaders openly challenging scientific theory with convenient opinions and conspiracy theories.  So called “leaders” are now dismissing education and the educated as “elitists”.  So apparently it’s now a bad thing to educate oneself with recognised methodology.  Are we really going down the “facts don’t matter” road?  We shouldn’t be too smug in Canada, Toronto had its’ own taste of it with Rob Ford and Ezra Levant. The modus operandi of this ilk, is that the message need not be true, but if repeated often enough with conviction it would get normalised and treated as an “alternative fact”.  Which of course is total bull shit, but the media has repeatedly fallen for this trap.  Giving Alex Jones and Steve Bannon free prime time air time to spout their agendas is proof of the media’s abandonment of journalistic principles.

I took my young son to Detroit last summer and in the Henry Ford Museum I was able to talk to him about segregation and human rights, showing him the bus Rosa Parks made famous, and water fountains marked clearly for “whites” and “coloureds”. I was able to explain to him that the struggles and protests were not about bus seats or fountains, but the right to be treated equally.  But today POTUS challenges people’s right to protest peacefully as unpatriotic and treasonous, unless you are a white supremacist.

We see the movie industry reeling from the bad publicity that Harvey Weinstein abused his power for decades, exploiting and sexually abusing young women.  For decades it was covered up and tolerated by many. Weinstein was not alone, nor is the movie industry. Excuses abound, and the comment sections abound with belligerent messages blaming the victims, rather than the actual perpetrators.  But then again, the current U.S. President was caught on audio tape admitting to the same behaviour and he went on to be elected to the highest office in the country. His chief opponent was a woman, who faced incredible intimidation and misogyny throughout the lengthy campaign and beyond.  How do I explain that to my daughter?   

I find it very sad that women today feel the need to post #MeToo and share their stories, for fear of sliding further backwards.  I find it troubling that my black friends are distrusting of our police, and are harassed for being of colour while driving “nice” cars.  I find it troubling that my friends of various religions, feel increasingly vulnerable and segregated.  The Quebec “Burka Ban” is a clear example of pandering to fear and ignorance, instead of providing true leadership and education.

So as a parent, and largely a part of the silent decent majority (I hope), I am finding I can no longer just sit quietly when the hate and ignorance erupts around me. My kids are watching…and if there is ever a need for “modelling behaviour” as a parent, it’s now. For example it happened this summer at the sidelines of my kids soccer practise, where 1 parent began with the hate talk against immigrants and refugees followed by some clearly racist remarks. In the past I likely would have remained silent. I would not get involved as this was rare right? Well now I believe this behaviour and attitude must be challenged.  I spoke up and pointed out that I was the product of immigrants, as are most Canadians. I also pointed out “facts” about where crime etc., actually originated. I wasn’t angry but I was firm and unwavering, and after I spoke up, others joined in to support me. That parent was not seen for the remainder of the summer practises.
 Apparently the haters have found their platforms, along with some high profile supporters and have some wind in their sails. But all is not lost. At one level this glut of hate may pay off in the long run, at least now much of the hate and ignorance has been exposed. We now know the scope of the work ahead. If we can challenge the lies, educate those around them, do the next right thing and VOTE… we have a fighting chance.